Gosford Park is a pre-World War II drama set in an English country house inhabited by an ensemble cast including many of Britain's leading actors: Helen Mirren, Alan Bates, Emily Watson, Maggie Smith, Kristin Scott-Thomas, Derek Jacobi, Jeremy Northam and Richard E. Grant. They are joined by a lone American actor -- Ryan Phillippe. K-Pax, from British director Iain Softley (The Wings of the Dove), concerns a man (Spacey) who claims he is a visitor from another planet. The highly anticipated, animated film Monsters, Inc. (from Walt Disney and Pixar) will receive a gala screening, as will Fred Schepisi's new film Last Orders which was a hit at the recent Sam Sebastian Film Fest. John Woo's World War II - era Windtalkers (starring Nicolas Cage and Christian Slater) was also announced, but now that the film's release date has been pushed back from November 9 to June 14, that film has been pulled. As a result, the Barry Levinson film Bandits will take Windtalkers' centerpiece gala screening slot. Bruce Willis is expected to be in attendance to promote Bandits (along with Levinson) in which he stars with Billy Bob Thornton and Cate Blanchett. Mike Figgis Will have two films at the festival: Hotel and The Battle of Orgreave. For the full line-up, go to: www.lff.org.uk
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